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I've recently started lifting weights again and this is going to be my progress journal. I used to lift really often when I was younger but since I've been out of work for a while weight lifting wasn't a high priority. Now I live in a great apartment complex that has a sweet gym with tons of equipment so there's no excuse anymore.

I plan to start off with doing a strength training portion of my workout followed by a more high intensity workout with bodyweight and weights I can do a fairly high number of reps with. I feel like this is the best way to train for strength while also increasing my overall conditioning. Here we go!

Update on progress:

I bought some home gym equipment from Rep Fitness which had MuscleDriver and Troy stuff for a little less than what I saw on most other sites. I definitely recommend checking them out if you want to workout at home. Click here to check out their site.

It took about a week for all of my gear to arrive but now that I'm in business I will try to start posting some progress pics and stats on my lifts as I get bigger and stronger.